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Version: 2.10

ACL operations reference

The following table describes the available access control operations that you can assign with any repository in D1.

ACL EntryExplanation
ADD_ATTACHMENTGrants or denies permission to add a comment in WebReader
ADD_TO_FOLDERGrants or denies permission to add contents to folders
CONNECTGrants or denies permission to connect to the repository
CONVERTGrants or denies permission to convert contents
DELETEGrants or denies permission to delete entries
DOWNLOADGrants or denies permission to download contents
DOWNLOAD_REPRESENTATIONSGrants or denies permission to download content representations
EDIT_ONLINEGrants or denies permission to edit contents online (if this feature is configured)
MODIFY_ACLGrants or denies permission to change the Access Control settings on repository entries
MOVEGrants or denies permission to move repository entries
MOVE_ATTACHMENTGrants or denies permission to move WebReader comments
READGrants or denies read access to repository entries
REMOVE_ATTACHMENTGrants or denies permission to delete comments in WebReader
REOPEN_ATTACHMENTGrants or denies permission to reopen a WebReader comment that has already been resolved
RESIZE_ATTACHMENTGrants or denies permission to resize WebReader comments
RESOLVE_ATTACHMENTGrants or denies permission to resolve WebReader comments
SHOW_REPRESENTATIONSGrants or denies permission to open content representations view from ADx Explorer
UPDATE_RESOURCEGrants or denies permission to update contents
VERSIONGrants or denies permission to check in and check out contents
VIEW_ONLINEGrants or denies permission to view contents online (if this feature is configured)
WRITEGrants write access to repository entries