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Version: 2.10

Reindexing contents via REST

When should I reindex contents?

You may notice that full-text search is not indexing all contents in your repository. This will happen in a situation where contents have been uploaded to a repository before full-text was available, for example:

  • When you have just connected an external repository (such as Documentum) to Document.One (D1), the contents of which have been uploaded previously (not in D1).
  • When contents have been uploaded to a repository at a time when full-text search was disabled.

In this case, reindexing of the contents is necessary, to make sure that full-text search works as expected on all contents. This document explains how to do it using D1 REST API (you can also do it from user interface see Reindexing contents in D1.


All D1 REST services require a valid session ID. For information on how to obtain it, read Authenticating to D1 via REST.

Reindexing specific content by ID

This service allows you to reindex specific content by ID. To execute it, send a POST HTTP request to, passing the content ID in the request message body. In the cURL example below, we are requesting content identified by content_id to be reindexed:

curl -X POST "https://adx-local:9080/tribefire-services/api/v1/access.adx.content.repositoryname/v1/content/reindex?sessionId=someId" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" -F "contentId=content_id"

As a result, a reindexing job is created, and the jobId parameter, identifying this job, is returned.

For detailed information about the /content/reindex endpoint, please read Full endpoint description.

Reindexing multiple contents by IDs

This service allows you to reindex multiple contents identified by their IDs. To execute it, send a POST HTTP request to, passing the content IDs in the request message body. In the cURL example below, we are requesting contents identified by contentId1 and contentId2 to be reindexed:

curl -X POST "http://adx-local:9080/tribefire-services/api/v1/access.adx.content.repositoryname/v1/contents/reindex?sessionId=someId" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" -F "contentIds=contentId1" -F "contentIds=contentId2"

As a result, a reindexing job is created, and the jobId parameter, identifying this job, is returned.

For detailed information about the /contents/reindex endpoint, please read Full endpoint description.

Reindexing contents by condition

This service allows you to reindex contents identified by their properties. To execute it, send a POST HTTP request to, passing the properties (conditions) in the request message body. In the cURL example below, we are requesting contents identified by createdBy and owner properties to be reindexed:

curl -X POST "http://adx-local:9080/tribefire-services/api/v1/access.adx.content.fulltext/v1/contents/reindex/by-condition?sessionId=someId" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" -F "createdBy=grzegorz" -F "owner=grzegorz"

As a result, reindexing job is created, and the jobId parameter, identifying this job, is returned.


If you do not pass any parameters, all contents will be reindexed!

For detailed information about the /contents/reindex/by-condition endpoint, please read Full endpoint description.

Full endpoint description

The table below explains what parameters you can pass to specific reindexing requests.

HTTP request typeEndpointService descriptionRequest query parametersForm dataReturns
POST specific content by IDsessionIdcontentIdID of the reindexing job.
POST multiple contents by IDssessionIdcontentIdsID of the reindexing job.
POST contents by conditionsessionIcreatedBy, lastModifiedBy, name, owner, parentId, tagsID of the reindexing job.


The table below explains the parameters used for reindexing contents.

NameRequiredData typeDescription
sessionIdtruestringSession ID returned by authentication request. Mandatory in all reindexing requests.
contentIdtruestringContent ID, identifying a single content to be reindexed.
contentIdstruearrayArray of content IDs, identifying contents to be reindexed.
createdBystringProperty identifying the creator of a content.
lastModifiedBystringProperty identifying the user who modified the content most recently.
namestringContent name.
ownerstringContent owner.
parentIdstringProperty identifying a folder (where contents are located).
tagsarrayArray of tags assigned to contents.


For code samples, see

Reindex content by ID
Reindex contents by ID
Reindex contents by condition