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Version: 2.10

Searching for repository contents via REST


The D1 Repository API provides the following search endpoints (explained below in more detail):

EndpointService description
https://[D1_HOST]/tribefire-services/api/v1/access.adx.content.[REPOSITORY_NAME]/v1/content/searchFor searching contents by their properties only (such as content name, owner or version).
https://[D1_HOST]/tribefire-services/api/v1/access.adx.content.[REPOSITORY_NAME]/v1/content/search/by-conditionFor searching contents using GMQL queries, which allows more depth and customization than searching by properties only.
https://[D1_HOST]/tribefire-services/api/v1/access.adx.content.[REPOSITORY_NAME]/v1/content/search/by-textFor running full-text search (searching for text inside the content).

If you intend to use the full-text search option, the following criteria must be met:

  • Full-text search is enabled on a repository.
  • Contents uploaded to the repository at a time when full-text was disabled must be reindexed first.

Task 1: Searching content by properties

This search request checks content properties and returns contents matching the property values in your request. All properties are sent in the request query.

Endpoint description

HTTP requestEndpointService descriptionRequest query parametersForm dataReturns
GEThttps://[D1_HOST]/tribefire-services/api/v1/access.adx.content.[REPOSITORY_NAME]/v1/content/searchSearch for contents using content properties.See Parameters for search by content properties belowNoneList of contents matching the criteria

Parameters for search by content properties

You can add any of the following parameters to your query. Sending a call without any parameters will return all contents.

NameRequiredData typeDescription
sessionIdtruestringThe session ID returned after authentication.
chronicalIdfalsestringThe chronicalId property of the content.
createdByfalsestringThe user name of the content creator.
entryTypefalsestringThe type (CONTENT or FOLDER) of the Entry.
includeVersionsfalsebooleanInclude all versions in the response (true/false)?
isLockedfalsebooleanIs the content currently locked (true/false)?
lastModifiedByfalsestringThe user name of the last user who modified the content.
lockedByfalsestringThe user name of the last user who locked the content.
mimeTypefalsestringThe type of the resource mime.
namefalsestringThe name of the content.
ownerfalsestringThe user name of the content owner.
parentIdfalsestringThe ID of the folder where the content is located.
tagsfalsearray of stringsThe list of tags on the content.
versionfalsestringThe version of the content.
versionStatusfalsestringThe status (WORKING_COPY, CURRENT) of the content.
orderByfalsestringEnter any other property by which the content should be ordered (for example name, owner, version...).
orderingDirectionfalsestringThe direction of the ordering. Possible values: asc (for ascending) or desc (for descending).
limitfalseintegerSpecifies the maximum amount of search results returned.
offsetfalseintegerSpecifies the offset of the search result.
includePropertiesfalsearray of stringsIndicates which properties to include in the search results. See Querying for specific properties (Include and Exclude).
excludePropertiesfalsearray of stringsIndicates which properties to exclude from the search results. See Querying for specific properties (Include and Exclude).
autoExcludefalsebooleanIndicates whether some predefined properties (for example, virtual properties like Folder.children) should be automatically excluded. This can be overridden for specific properties by explicitly mentioning them in the includeProperties list.

cURL example

The following call will return all contents where the owner is cortex and the version is 1.0:

curl --location --request GET 'https://[D1_HOST]/services/api/v1/access.adx.content.[REPOSITORY_NAME]/v1/content/search?sessionId=[SESSION_ID]&owner=cortex&version=1.0' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json'

A successful response from the server should be similar to the one below:

"_type": "tribefire.adx.model.content.service.v1.request.crud.EntriesResponse",
"count": 3,
"duration": 57,
"entries": [
"_type": "tribefire.adx.model.content.Content",
"active": true,
"chronicalId": "554b954b-cf71-4788-ab5c-82031ca3a539",
"createdAt": "2020-09-07T11:43:45.347+0000",
"createdBy": "cortex",
"entryType": "CONTENT",
"id": "554b954b-cf71-4788-ab5c-82031ca3a539",
"lastModifiedAt": "2020-09-07T16:23:52.538+0000",
"lastModifiedBy": "cortex",
"lockedAt": "2020-09-07T16:24:00.417+0000",
"lockedBy": "cortex",
"name": "randomtext",
"owner": "cortex",
"parent": {
"_type": "tribefire.adx.model.content.Folder",
"active": true,
"createdAt": "2020-09-07T12:30:20.693+0000",
"createdBy": "cortex",
"entryType": "FOLDER",
"id": "bab07a13-b14a-41c9-b6c3-3a46e5e12ea7",
"lastModifiedAt": "2020-09-07T12:30:20.693+0000",
"lastModifiedBy": "cortex",
"name": "test",
"owner": "cortex",
"partition": "access.adx.content.gk"
"partition": "access.adx.content.gk",
"resource": {
"_type": "com.braintribe.model.resource.Resource",
"created": "2020-09-07T11:43:44.981+0000",
"creator": "cortex",
"fileSize": 53,
"id": "67e52415-0706-4c17-baa7-b8934dc0e697",
"md5": "87bfac4e23c66afa86fe8eebe6e68b52",
"mimeType": "text/plain",
"name": "randomtext.txt",
"partition": "access.adx.content.gk",
"resourceSource": {
"_type": "com.braintribe.model.resource.source.FileSystemSource",
"id": "db66c5c3-bfc6-429f-807d-92a094ede292",
"partition": "access.adx.content.gk",
"path": "2009/0711/4344/fdf58ffe-0e70-42c5-bec2-9082936ff27f"
"version": "1.0",
"versionStatus": "CURRENT"
"_type": "tribefire.adx.model.content.Content",
"active": true,
"chronicalId": "554b954b-cf71-4788-ab5c-82031ca3a539",
"createdAt": "2020-09-07T16:24:00.417+0000",
"createdBy": "cortex",
"entryType": "CONTENT",
"id": "f44435bd-f66d-4b49-9c23-280c93d5846b",
"lastModifiedAt": "2020-09-07T16:24:00.417+0000",
"lastModifiedBy": "cortex",
"lockedAt": "2020-09-07T16:24:00.417+0000",
"lockedBy": "cortex",
"name": "randomtext",
"owner": "cortex",
"parent": {
"_type": "tribefire.adx.model.content.Folder",
"active": true,
"createdAt": "2020-09-07T12:30:20.693+0000",
"createdBy": "cortex",
"entryType": "FOLDER",
"id": "bab07a13-b14a-41c9-b6c3-3a46e5e12ea7",
"lastModifiedAt": "2020-09-07T12:30:20.693+0000",
"lastModifiedBy": "cortex",
"name": "test",
"owner": "cortex",
"partition": "access.adx.content.gk"
"partition": "access.adx.content.gk",
"predecessor": {
"_type": "tribefire.adx.model.content.Content",
"active": true,
"chronicalId": "554b954b-cf71-4788-ab5c-82031ca3a539",
"createdAt": "2020-09-07T11:43:45.347+0000",
"createdBy": "cortex",
"entryType": "CONTENT",
"id": "554b954b-cf71-4788-ab5c-82031ca3a539",
"lastModifiedAt": "2020-09-07T16:23:52.538+0000",
"lastModifiedBy": "cortex",
"lockedAt": "2020-09-07T16:24:00.417+0000",
"lockedBy": "cortex",
"name": "randomtext",
"owner": "cortex",
"parent": {
"_type": "tribefire.adx.model.content.Folder",
"active": true,
"createdAt": "2020-09-07T12:30:20.693+0000",
"createdBy": "cortex",
"entryType": "FOLDER",
"id": "bab07a13-b14a-41c9-b6c3-3a46e5e12ea7",
"lastModifiedAt": "2020-09-07T12:30:20.693+0000",
"lastModifiedBy": "cortex",
"name": "test",
"owner": "cortex",
"partition": "access.adx.content.gk"
"partition": "access.adx.content.gk",
"resource": {
"_type": "com.braintribe.model.resource.Resource",
"created": "2020-09-07T11:43:44.981+0000",
"creator": "cortex",
"fileSize": 53,
"id": "67e52415-0706-4c17-baa7-b8934dc0e697",
"md5": "87bfac4e23c66afa86fe8eebe6e68b52",
"mimeType": "text/plain",
"name": "randomtext.txt",
"partition": "access.adx.content.gk",
"resourceSource": {
"_type": "com.braintribe.model.resource.source.FileSystemSource",
"id": "db66c5c3-bfc6-429f-807d-92a094ede292",
"partition": "access.adx.content.gk",
"path": "2009/0711/4344/fdf58ffe-0e70-42c5-bec2-9082936ff27f"
"version": "1.0",
"versionStatus": "CURRENT"
"resource": {
"_type": "com.braintribe.model.resource.Resource",
"created": "2020-09-07T16:24:00.514+0000",
"creator": "cortex",
"fileSize": 53,
"id": "f2e11918-ff5a-4fe9-bb05-8f60b9d635dd",
"md5": "87bfac4e23c66afa86fe8eebe6e68b52",
"mimeType": "text/plain",
"name": "randomtext.txt",
"partition": "access.adx.content.gk",
"resourceSource": {
"_type": "com.braintribe.model.resource.source.FileSystemSource",
"id": "87ea935d-dc9b-4b50-adff-35737c586414",
"partition": "access.adx.content.gk",
"path": "2009/0716/2400/745fb59f-ce08-49b0-a0d4-35a826031953"
"version": "1.0",
"versionStatus": "WORKING_COPY"
"_type": "tribefire.adx.model.content.Content",
"active": true,
"chronicalId": "2dd93adf-9802-412c-a0df-0261a5e0f1b1",
"createdAt": "2020-09-07T11:58:54.477+0000",
"createdBy": "cortex",
"entryType": "CONTENT",
"id": "2dd93adf-9802-412c-a0df-0261a5e0f1b1",
"lastModifiedAt": "2020-09-07T11:58:54.478+0000",
"lastModifiedBy": "cortex",
"name": "text",
"owner": "cortex",
"partition": "access.adx.content.gk",
"resource": {
"_type": "com.braintribe.model.resource.Resource",
"created": "2020-09-07T11:58:54.125+0000",
"creator": "cortex",
"fileSize": 4,
"id": "58501f80-b61f-423a-a135-74ab416e16bc",
"md5": "1cb251ec0d568de6a929b520c4aed8d1",
"mimeType": "text/plain",
"name": "text.txt",
"partition": "access.adx.content.gk",
"resourceSource": {
"_type": "com.braintribe.model.resource.source.FileSystemSource",
"id": "55f112c8-5ce0-4f5d-9242-5a8e5ae2f40f",
"partition": "access.adx.content.gk",
"path": "2009/0711/5854/cfda7913-088e-48a7-9a68-9a74a3758dce"
"version": "1.0",
"versionStatus": "WORKING_COPY"


For a code sample, see

Search contents

Task 2: Searching content by condition

This search request returns contents based on criteria defined by a GMQL statement (check the simple examples below or read about GMQL WHERE.

Constructing GMQL statements

Document.One (D1) content has the following structure, where almost all properties are of the string type:

"_type": "tribefire.adx.model.content.Content",
"active": true,
"chronicalId": "554b954b-cf71-4788-ab5c-82031ca3a539",
"createdAt": "2020-09-07T11:43:45.347+0000",
"createdBy": "cortex",
"entryType": "CONTENT",
"id": "554b954b-cf71-4788-ab5c-82031ca3a539",
"lastModifiedAt": "2020-09-07T16:23:52.538+0000",
"lastModifiedBy": "cortex",
"lockedAt": "2020-09-07T16:24:00.417+0000",
"lockedBy": "cortex",
"name": "randomtext",
"owner": "cortex",
"parent": {
"_type": "tribefire.adx.model.content.Folder",
"active": true,
"createdAt": "2020-09-07T12:30:20.693+0000",
"createdBy": "cortex",
"entryType": "FOLDER",
"id": "bab07a13-b14a-41c9-b6c3-3a46e5e12ea7",
"lastModifiedAt": "2020-09-07T12:30:20.693+0000",
"lastModifiedBy": "cortex",
"name": "test",
"owner": "cortex",
"partition": "access.adx.content.gk"
"partition": "access.adx.content.gk",
"resource": {
"_type": "com.braintribe.model.resource.Resource",
"created": "2020-09-07T11:43:44.981+0000",
"creator": "cortex",
"fileSize": 53,
"id": "67e52415-0706-4c17-baa7-b8934dc0e697",
"md5": "87bfac4e23c66afa86fe8eebe6e68b52",
"mimeType": "text/plain",
"name": "randomtext.txt",
"partition": "access.adx.content.gk",
"resourceSource": {
"_type": "com.braintribe.model.resource.source.FileSystemSource",
"id": "db66c5c3-bfc6-429f-807d-92a094ede292",
"partition": "access.adx.content.gk",
"path": "2009/0711/4344/fdf58ffe-0e70-42c5-bec2-9082936ff27f"
"version": "1.0",
"versionStatus": "CURRENT"

Certain properties are parts of a collection, such as parent or resource. This is where GMQL queries become useful they allow you to query for properties inside such collection. Since almost all properties are of the string type, using the like and = operators, as shown below, should cover all cases.

GMQL syntax

Follow the syntax below when constructing your queries:

property like 'value' and'value'

In more specific terms (for content name starting with foo inside the test folder):

name like 'foo*' and'test'

Including fulltext search inside the content:

name like 'foo*' and = 'test' and fullText('TEXT')

GMQL operators

inThe operator in is used to compare one value against a set of values contained in a collection. If the value provided is contained within this collection the entity instance will be returned as part of the results set. The value is provided on the left-half side of the operator while the set is provided on the right-hand side.
There are two specific ways that this operator can be used. You can either use this operator to search a collection property for the value defined, or you search on a specific property for one of several values passed as a set.
Compare a value against those contained in a collection property (return only Person instances which have Smith contained in its collection property nicknames): select * from com.braintribe.custom.model.Person where "Smith" in nicknames
or for complex collections (that is, collections whose elements are other entities) (return only User instances that contain the role john.smith.role.b in their collection property roles: select * from com.braintribe.model.user.User u where reference(com.braintribe.model.user.Role, 'john.smith.role.b') in u.roles
Compare a property of an entity against a collection of values (return only User entities that have the second name of either Cortex or Smith): select * from com.braintribe.model.user.User u where u.secondName in ('Cortex', 'Smith')
4 in favouriteNumbers
secondName in ('Cortex', Smith')
likeUsed in string comparisons. For example, firstName like "Rob" returns any instance where the string value matches exactly the value given. In the case of the example only Rob is returned, not Robert. If you wish to match partial strings, you must use the * wildcard. For example, firstName like "Rob*" returns both Rob and Robert.secondName like 'Cortex'
ilikeUsed for non case-sensitive comparisons. The functionality of ilike depends on the underlying repository that is connected to the Access. If you use SMOOD database, the ilike operator is available by default.secondName ilike 'Cortex'
>=Greater than or equal to
>Greater than
!=Not equal to
< Less than
<=Less than or equal to
= Whether the left-hand value equals the right-hand value.

Endpoint description

HTTP requestEndpointService descriptionRequest query parametersForm dataReturns
GEThttps://[D1_HOST]/tribefire-services/api/v1/access.adx.content.[REPOSITORY_NAME]/v1/content/search/by-conditionSearch for contents using a GMQL condition.See Parameters for search by condition belowNoneList of contents matching the GMQL query criteria.

Parameters for search by condition

NameRequiredData typeDescription
sessionIdtruestringThe session ID returned after authentication.
conditiontruestringThe GMQL WHERE statement querying for any valid content property.
entryTypefalsestringThe type (CONTENT or FOLDER) of the Entry.
includeVersionsfalsebooleanInclude all versions in the response (true/false)?
orderByfalsestringEnter any other property by which the content should be ordered (for example name, owner, version...)
orderingDirectionfalsestringThe direction of the ordering. Possible values: asc (for ascending) or desc (for descending).
limitfalseintegerSpecifies the maximum amount of search results returned.
offsetfalseintegerSpecifies the offset of the search result.
includePropertiesfalsearray of stringsIndicates which properties to include in the search results. See Querying for specific properties (Include and Exclude).
excludePropertiesfalsearray of stringsIndicates which properties to exclude from the search results. See Querying for specific properties (Include and Exclude).
autoExcludefalsebooleanIndicates whether some predefined properties (for example, virtual properties like Folder.children) should be automatically excluded. This can be overridden for specific properties by explicitly mentioning them in the includeProperties list.

cURL example

Assuming the requirement is to find all contents with a name starting with foo and stored in a folder called test, you can write the following condition:

name like 'foo*' and'test'

In this case, when querying for a property which is part of a collection (applies to parent, resource or predecessor), you must use the following syntax: (for example, resource.mimeType or

You can send the following request:

curl --location --request GET 'https://[D1_HOST]/tribefire-services/api/v1/access.adx.content.[REPOSITORY_NAME]/v1/content/search/by-condition?condition=name%20like%20%27foo*[SESSION_ID]' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json'

The response should be a list of contents matching your criteria.


For a code sample, see

Search contents by condition

Task 3: Searching content by text

This search request returns all contents where a specific text can be found.

Endpoint description

HTTP requestEndpointService descriptionRequest query parametersForm dataReturns
GEThttps://[D1_HOST]/tribefire-services/api/v1/access.adx.content.[REPOSITORY_NAME]/v1/content/search/by-textSearch for contents using a GMQL condition.See Parameters for search by text belowNoneList of contents containing the provided text.

Parameters for search by text

NameRequiredData typeDescription
sessionIdtruestringThe session ID returned after authentication.
searchTexttruestringThe text you want to find in contents.
entryTypefalsestringThe type (CONTENT or FOLDER) of the Entry.
includeVersionsfalsebooleanInclude all versions in the response (true/false)?
orderByfalsestringEnter any other property by which the content should be ordered (for example name, owner, version...)
orderingDirectionfalsestringThe direction of the ordering. Possible values: asc (for ascending) or desc (for descending).
limitfalseintegerSpecifies the maximum amount of search results returned.
offsetfalseintegerSpecifies the offset of the search result.
includePropertiesfalsearray of stringsIndicates which properties to include in the search results. See Querying for specific properties (Include and Exclude).
excludePropertiesfalsearray of stringsIndicates which properties to exclude from the search results. See Querying for specific properties (Include and Exclude).
autoExcludefalsebooleanIndicates whether some predefined properties (for example, virtual properties like Folder.children) should be automatically excluded. This can be overridden for specific properties by explicitly mentioning them in the includeProperties list.

cURL example

To search for the word text, send the following call:

curl --location --request GET 'https://[D1_HOST]/tribefire-services/api/v1/access.adx.content.[REPOSITORY_NAME]/v1/content/search/by-text?sessionId=[SESSION_ID]&searchText=text' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json'

The response should be a list of contents matching your criteria.


For a code sample, see

Search content by text