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Version: 2.10

Deleting and restoring deleted contents via REST

This document explains how to delete contents from a repository using the Document.One (D1) REST API.

Task 1: Deleting contents with REST

To delete contents with REST, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to D1.

  2. On the landing page, click the API link under repository where you want to delete the content:

    Accessing the D1 REST API

    The OpenAPI page opens, showing the available D1 REST API endpoints.

  3. Find the /access.adx.content.{your-repository-name}/v1/content Delete content by ID endpoint and expand it. Click Try it out to activate the fields.

    To delete folders, use the /access.adx.content.demo/v1/folder Delete folder by ID endpoint.
    To delete any entry (content or folder), use the /access.adx.content.demo/v1/entry Delete entry by ID endpoint.

  4. Paste the content's technical ID into the contentId field.

  5. Click Execute and check the response. The response 200 (success) is expected, meaning that the content is now deleted.

Task 2: Deleting contents permanently with REST

  1. Log in to D1.

  2. On the landing page, click the API link under repository where you want to delete the content:

    Accessing the D1 REST API

    The OpenAPI page opens, showing the available D1 REST API endpoints.

  3. Find the /access.adx.content.{your-repository-name}/v1/entry/physcially Delete entry physically by ID endpoint and expand it. Click Try it out to activate the fields.

    To delete multiple entries (contents and folders) physically, find the /access.adx.content.ggr/v1/entries/physically Delete entries physically by ID endpoint.

  4. Paste the content's technical ID into the contentId field.

  5. Click Execute and check the response. The response 200 (success) is expected, meaning that the content is now deleted.

Task 3: Restoring deleted contents with REST

  1. Log in to D1.

  2. On the landing page, click the API link under repository where you want to delete the content:

    Accessing the D1 REST API

    The OpenAPI page opens, showing the available D1 REST API endpoints.

  3. Find the /access.adx.content.{your-repository-name}/v1/entry/restore Restore entry by ID endpoint and expand it. Click Try it out to activate the fields.

    To restore multiple entries at the same time, find the /access.adx.content.{your-repository-name}/v1/entries/restore Restore entries by ID endpoint.

  4. Paste the content's technical ID into the entryId field.

  5. Click Execute and check the response. Response 200 (success) is expected, meaning that the content is now deleted.


For code samples, see

Delete content by ID
Delete entry physically by ID
Restore entry by ID