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Version: 2.10

Tracing requests in D1

D1 repositories can be configured so that they can be traced by an external tool. Tracing can be then enabled for a specific period of time on any D1 repository. During this time, all service requests can be tracked and monitored.

D1 provides an _allow_ tracing option for repositories configuration that enables tracing requests.

Before you begin

You need to have the Jaeger tracing tool installed.


Currently, Jaeger is the only supported by D1 tool.

To configure request tracing

  1. Enable tracing on a D1 repository.
  2. Set up tracing configuration (in this example, we are using the default Jaeger configuration).
  3. Activate tracing on the D1 repository.
  4. Upload documents to D1, track the service requests in the UI of an external tool (Jaeger).

The following video shows how to configure and enable tracing on a repository in D1:

Video version

Note that some of the UI components shown in this video might have changed as the video was created based on a older version of the D1.