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Version: 2.10

Software and hardware requirements

This page describes system requirements for installing Document.One system. The system requirements depend on a deployment use case:

  • Setup 1: D1 system components installed on a single node
  • Setup 2: D1 and Conversion Service on separate nodes
  • Setup 3: D1 and Conversion Service on separate clustered nodes

The deployment use cases are described in details in D1 deployment use cases.

Hardware requirements

Node server requirements

The node requirements are meant to be per a node. In case of the cluster usage, the requirements are multiplied. A node itself can be either a virtual machine or bare metal server. Take in consideration that also the underlying operational system needs a certain amount of memory.


You must have write access for the installation server.

Deployment use caseCPUMemoryNetworkOperating system
Setup 1*4 CPU12 GBGBit or betterLinux - Kernel 3.10 or newer
Setup 24 CPU12 GBGBit or betterLinux - Kernel 3.10 or newer
Setup 38 CPU32 GBGBit or betterLinux - Kernel 3.10 or newer

*D1 and Conversion Service are installed on a single node.

Load balancer requirements

There are no special requirements for the load balancer. Neither the algorithm, nor the session handling (sticky or not) has any special requirements. Since e.g. a conversion health check is synchronous, for obvious reasons it is recommended to have a session timeout ≥ 10min.

Mount points requirements

Since sizing of documents cannot be predicted, it is recommended to have a file system with dynamic grow capabilities (e.g. XFS or ZFS). The following table describes mount points requirements for D1 and Conversion Service:

Mount pointDeployment parameterSizeDescriptionDynamic sizingBackupType
D1 installation directoryinstallationPath5GBStores D1 installation filesNoPriority 4Local
Log fileslogFilesDirGB size depends on the log configurationStores log filesYesPriority 3Local
Temp filestempDirGB size depends on the loadStores temporary filesYesPriority 4Local
Content files per repositoryConfigurable via UI during creation of the repositoryGB size depends on number of documentsStores content filesYesPriority 1Shared between D1 nodes
Fulltext indexELASTIC_SERVICE_DATA_PATHGB size depends on number of documentsStores elastic search fulltext indexYesPriority 1Shared between D1 nodes

JVM non-heap memory must be at least 4 GB

Software requirements

Operating system settings

File descriptor

The following table decsribes requirements for the number of concurrently open file descriptors:

Conversion Service100000

Random generator

Since servers have low entropy, haveged service is necessary for enriching it.

DeploymentService version
Conversion Service1.9.2+

Command line tools

The following table describes the tools that need to be installed on corersponding server nodes:

D1curl7.29+Is required by the health check script.
Conversion Servicecurl7.29+Is required by the health check script.
Conversion Servicetesseract4.0.0+Is required for extracting text from images. If you are sure that you will not need Optical Character Recognition, you can skip installing Tesseract.
Conversion Servicewkhtmltopdf0.12.5+Is required for converting HTML files to PDF.
Messagingcurl7.29+Is required by the health check script.

Java requirements

You must install JVM on all nodes that are parts of your D1 system deployment.

Java version requirement

The version of Jave must be OpenJDK or Oracle JDK 17.

Java in general supports more than 32GB heap size for one JVM. However, keep in mind that above 32GB Java uses 64bit references, which uses more memory by itself. If you decide to exceed the 32GB boundary, memory must be increased dramatically to have a similar heap available. In practice, this means that if you increase the memory above 32GB, it is necessary to go over 40GB. See Java performance for more details.

To avoid heap resizing during uptime of the servers which leads to performance issues, -Xmx and -Xms should be equal.

Based on the available memory settings specified in the setup configuration above make sure that the operating system does not needs to cache because of memory limitations. The rest should then be assigned to D1, Conversion Service and Messaging.

The following tables describe JVM memory requirements for D1 and Conversion Service which are the same for both system components:

SettingDeployment parameterValueDescription
-XmxmaxHeapSize4 GB - 31 GBMaximum heap size.
-XmsinitialHeapSize4 GB - 31 GBMinimum heap size. It should be equal to the maximum heap memory.

JVM non-heap memory must be at least 4 GB.

Firewall settings

On each D1 and Conversion Service node, the configured ports need to be opened:

  • For external communication (HTTPS - for security reasons) which provides API to users, developers, and other systems:
    • Load balancers are needed
    • Nodes are needed if there is no load balancer.
  • For internal communication:
    • In a case of a clustered setup, ports need to be opened for messaging.
    • In a case of automatic service discovery (which is optional), multicast must be allowed.

Tomcat runtime requirements

The runtime of D1 and Conversion Service is Apache Tomcat.

The following table decsribes runtime requirements for D1 and Conversion Service which are the same:

SettingDeployment parameterValueDefaultDescription
HTTP porthttpPortAny available port8080Expose to the outside. This communication is not encrypted.
HTTPS porthttpsPortAny available port8443Expose to the outside
AJP portajpPortAny available port8009Only internal usage - do not expose to the outside
Server portserverPortAny available port8005Only internal usage - do not expose to the outside
Maximum connectionsmaxConnectionsA positive number or no limit (recommended)-1 (no limit)Maximum number of connections
Maximum ThreadsmaxThreads≥10004000Maximum number of request worker

Memory and CPU scaling recommendations

In principle, we recommend to double the memory in GB compared to the number of CPUs, keeping the minimal values in mind. Heap memory size should be equal to non-heap memory size.

Vertical scaling

Memory (GB) = 2 * number of CPUs or 8 GB (minimum requirements) - whichever is greater.

  • 2 CPUs (minimum) = 8 GB of memory (4 GB heap, 4 GB non-heap as per minimal requirements)
  • 4 CPUs = 8 GB of memory (4 GB heap, 4 GB non-heap)
  • 8 CPUs = 16 GB of memory (8 GB heap, 8 GB non-heap)
  • 16 CPUs = 32 GB of memory (16 GB heap, 16 GB non-heap)

Horizontal scaling

You must increase the number of Conversion Service nodes based on your expected/observed load increase.

The following table shows resource consumption levels per job type. If you know the distribution of job types in your organization, it should help you to estimate the load.

Job typeExpected resource consumption
Convert to imageHeavy
Prepare for WebReaderHeavy
Convert to PDFAverage
Merge documentsAverage
Merge templatesAverage
Apply watermarkLight
Apply templateLight
Extract textLight without OCR, otherwise heavy
Where to go from here

Review the D1 database requirements before you proceed with D1 system installation. See D1 database requirements.