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Version: 2.8

Data backup requirements

The backup recommendations are grouped into five categories. The following recommendations are valid for database as well as for file system data:

CategoryDescriptionBackup recommendation
Priority 1This category holds the most critical data. It includes business data (e.g. documents (content) stored in repositories) as well as configuration of D1/Conversion Service itself (e.g. user information or configuration of the repository). Loosing this kind of data means data loss!We recommended that you backup this category regularly (e.g. daily) to allow disaster recovery.
Priority 2This category holds data that can be restored based on the information of priority 1, but is time consuming. It includes e.g. representations of documents (content).We recommended that you backup it regularly with longer time slots (e.g. every 2 days / weekly)
Priority 3This category holds data that is not relevant for business users but are important to administrators. It includes e.g. log files.We recommended that you backup it regularly with longer time slots (e.g. every 2 days / weekly)
Priority 4This category holds transient data which can be recovered by redeployment.There is no need for backups.
Priority externalD1 can access external repositories (e.g. Documentum) to have a normalized view on documents.The external repository needs to be backed up independently of D1.